
Sat 10/3 - double, 2 hours total

AM - 55 minutes very easy, Area 51. Relaxed putter on the trails with the kiddies, all two of them that showed up. Still dragging ass, desperately tired. Perhaps not coincidentally, still terrible conditions.

PM - 65 minutes, Longfellow loop and McMansionville incl. 10-8-6-4-2-1 minute pickups. After a 2+ hour nap in the afternoon, I awoke to find the conditions somewhat improved and a hint of warmth even after the cold rainy weather of the morning. Still blustery winds blowing though, and combined with the ongoing tiredness a timed pickup session seemed like the best move. Due to being somewhat pressed for time, shortened the recovery intervals down to 2 minutes after the three longer reps and a minute after the 4 and 2 minute reps. This of course meant being conservative at the outset, but overall it felt like I got something productive done.

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