
Wed 2/5 - skiing

Area 51. Everything buried in about a foot of snow, made fresh tracks for at least 80% of the time. Basically did a loop I might do at other times of year on foot. In this case with the roads in predictably awful condition I was able to shove off from my doorstep. With the nature appreciation breaks I'm not sure exactly how long I spent in motion but I was out there for almost two hours all told. With the snow day assured as of last night I had grandiose plans of sandwiching a leisurely afternoon ski trip between short runs on the treadmill. As it turned out the treadmill part got ditched, unsurprisingly. Got to bed far too late and thus slept in far too late to do anything in the morning. Making the aforementioned fresh tracks left me far too tired to do anything afterward either. Not the greatest conditions for point and shoot photography but that of course didn't stop me:

Mill buildings viewed from the trestle bridge

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