
Thu 12/20 - PM 60 minutes easy

Area 51. An exercise in frustration capped off with an "epic fail" of the calf area. Felt okay at the start, found out after 10 minutes that the batteries in the headlamp were dead. Having my heart set on hitting the trails, I went back and replaced them, then stepped out the door a second time and took a more direct route to the woods. The replacement batteries crapped out after less than 10 minutes on the trails, hopefully not a sign that the headlamp is defective. By this time I was past the point of no return and muddled along with the moonlight for illumination. No major stumbles, in the end it served mainly to keep the pace slow so as not to trip on anything. Despite feeling progressively less energetic as time wore on, I wanted to do a few quick strides on the way in. First one felt slow and awkward, then two more with the tib anterior getting tighter and tighter until it locked in full-on spasm. Limped home the last minute or two cursing my idiocy. While it wasn't the calf that went it was certainly the underlying cause, as the tib anterior and peroneal have had to pick up the slack and as a result have become tight and easily fatigued. Spent plenty of time with the stick doing compressions on the peroneal, very tender and sore but productive. The stiffness in the ankle that has emerged of late was reduced for sure. Nevertheless tomorrow's workout is doubtful at best, we'll see.

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