
Fri 8/1 - double, 1:40 total incl. 8x200

AM - 60 minutes, Muedon Forest. Another excellent spot, miles and miles of (mostly) flat, straight roads and gravel paths connected at various hubs like spokes. Wandered around w/o ever fearing getting lost due to the layout. Like yesterday's runs, started slowly and gathered steam, more gradually this time. Much cooler and drier today.

PM - 40 minutes, over to Pic Park (actually Stade de Vanves to be exact), 8x200 untimed with 200 jog recovery then stretching and jogged back. The turnover felt reasonably good, although legs are still feeling heavy from all the walking around. Although today it was the flat Promenade Plantee instead of yesterday's hundreds of steps up the tower. Legs completely dead on the cooldown.

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