
Week of 4/30 - 5/6

Mon 4/30 - PM 70 minutes easy, Lincoln woods. Tired

Tue 5/1 - PM 65 minutes easy. Still tired.

Wed 5/2 - PM 55 minutes incl. 4x1200, 4x200. In need of something a little less intense than the sesssions I tried last week and this fit the bill. Cruise pace on the 1200s with 60 second recoveries after each, then quicker for the 200s but not as quick as I'd like with 200 jog recoveries. The average HRM per lap data lends an added dimension to the numbers not that I'm actively adjusting the pace or effort during the workout based on what it's spitting out. Not thrilled with how high the heart rate got toward the end of the 1200s given how pedestrian the pace was. Splits:

4:27.2 - 90.6 (142), 88.8 (158), 87.8 (161)
1R (134)
4:26.2 - 87.6 (153), 89.4 (164), 88.2 (166)
1R (141)
 4:25.5 - 86.9 (154), 89.1 (165), 88.5 (167)
1R (143)
4:24. 0 - 87.8 (157), 88.1 (168), 88.1 (168)
1R (146)
37.0 (155)/75.2 (160)
37.6 (162)/75.1 (160)
37.9 (164)/75.1 (160)
37.3 (163)

Thu 5/3 - PM 60 minutes easy

Fri 5/4 - PM 70 minutes easy, Lincoln woods. Not up for anything more than jogging.

Sat 5/5 - AM 50 minutes incl. road mile. Dragging terribly during warmup, felt completely listless. Took the first quarter of the race to get going. Did a decent job of measuring effort throughout and made my move when the early leaders faltered just before 3/4 but one of them was able to rally and get me back. Windy morning

Sun 5/6 - PM 80 minutes easy. Took a while to get going today.

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