
Sat 4/12 - AM 50 minutes incl. 5k road race

Another dud in what's become a long string of them. It appears I've found my level for now, and it's a good minute or so slower than what I would expect/like/hope to run for 5k. Not that I had particularly high hopes for this one but I thought it would go better than it did. However, felt flat from the moment I woke up. The late bedtime Thursday didn't help of course. Leg felt like it held up reasonably well but by now it's so fucked up I'm sure my perception of it is skewed. Regardless of the contributing factors, the first mile went in 5:26 soon after which it became clear I had bitten off more than I could chew. Trying to run with a chase pack at what I thought was sustainable but got dropped instead. Second and third miles in the 5:45-50 range. Overall feeling quite frazzled at the moment, plenty of things going on outside of the ongoing training woes contributing to that. Course was mostly flat with the hills being mainly to get up to or down from bridges and overpasses. Short and a bit steep in other words. Nice morning, one I should have spent going for a jog or hike instead.

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